Is it worth the extra money?

Is it worth the extra money?

I am beginning to think yes, it is. I bought this blade late October and I have been doing a lot of cutting on a very old cutting mat. As you know when your cutting mat gets scarred it means your rotary cutter does not perform very well, leaving small sections uncut, very frustrating. Not so with this blade. I also feel that it needs less pressure to cut cleanly with this blade. It is too early to be able to say whether it lasts long but if it does turn out to last longer then it is a win for both me, fewer blades over a year and cleaner cuts, and the environment.

Will I buy this blade again- yes.

Is it worth the extra money-yes I think so.

Have I been happy with it’s performance, under not perfect conditions- yes I have.

I say next time you need a new blade, give it a try and see what you think.

Happy sewing
